Our New to Industry Training Program

Setting you up for success

Our award-winning “New to Industry” program is designed to empower you with all the knowledge, tools, tips, and tricks you will need to succeed - in a fun and supportive environment with fellow aspiring travel agents like yourself.

We offer three training programs

We recognize the uniqueness of everyone’s situation. Therefore, we provide three distinct learning programs to choose from, varying in financial investment, earning potential, learning opportunities, and services offered. The choice is yours!

bronze starBronze
silver starSilver
gold starGold
Who this program is forLearn with another business

You’re exploring the travel industry, might have financial constraints and prefer joining an established agency with a mentor.

Start your own business

You want to start your own travel business, operate on your terms with a higher commission split than Bronze, and benefit from a mentor from the support office.

Start with a team

Start your own travel business with a team, work on your terms, and enjoy the highest starting commission split among our training programs with a mentor from our support office.

CostsMost Cost EffectiveBest ValueBest Value for up to three people
Contract Duration2 Years2 Years2 Years

30 hours of self-directed online learning.Learn more


7- 9 hours of live instructor-led training on The Travel Agent Next Door platforms and software.

30 hours of self-directed online learning.Learn more


A full week in depth instructor-led live learning in a virtual classroom of maximum 8.New Agent Training program


7- 9 hours of live instructor-led training on The Travel Agent Next Door platforms and software.

30 hours of self-directed online learning.Learn more


A full week in depth instructor-led live learning in a virtual classroom of maximum 8.New Agent Training program


7- 9 hours of live instructor-led training on The Travel Agent Next Door platforms and software.

Business ModelJoin an existing agency as an Associate AgentPrimary AgentPrimary Agent/ Agency
BrandingOperate under your primary agent’s brandChoose your own brandChoose your own brand
Consumer facing website & marketing pieces_Yes


Higher number of email campaigns and magazines sent to your clients (compared to Silver)

MentorshipYour Primary AgentDedicated contact at The Travel Agent Next DoorDedicated contact at The Travel Agent Next Door
Team Members__Training included for two additional team members
Commission Split50% of your primary agents’ commission split65%-85% on sold suppliers75% – 95% on sold suppliers

Full program overview of Bronze, Silver, and Gold Click here.

To find the best fit for your personal situation, reach out for a no-obligation conversation.

What you can expect during the full week live instructor-led learning?

  • 40 hours of live instructor-led training

  • Small Virtual classroom setting of maximum 8 participants

  • Learn alongside other fellow aspiring travel agents

  • Dedicated quarterback to address all your questions.

  • Courses cover Booking Process, Supplier Training, Prospecting, Marketing and MORE™

  • Apply your knowledge through Case Studies and examples

  • Work with continually updated professional textbooks

  • Your own consumer facing website will launch during the training

And because the “real work” only begins after completing the training, we have a robust program in place to support you every step of the way. From post-training learning modules, regular check in calls, directing you to the right resources or scheduling one-on-ones with departments: we want you to succeed!

Check out all the services we offer once you have completed your training.Click here.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let’s take one step at a time, together!